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Proiectul WE’RE HERE împlinește un an
Lucrările internaționale de artă queer ilustrează o diversitate de teme, tehnici și medii COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Pentru difuzare imediată...
WE’RE HERE the Project Is One Year Old
International Queer Works of Art Illustrate a Diversity of Themes, Techniques and Media PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Bucharest, 8...
Michał Sokołowski de vânzare online la Târgul Lucrurilor Frumoase
Între 27 martie și 2 aprilie are loc Târgul Lucrurilor Frumoase (Targi Rzeczy Ładnych), eveniment online unde se găsesc și câteva...
Michał Sokołowski Selling Online at Targi Rzeczy Ładnych
On March 27 to April 2, Targi Rzeczy Ładnych (Nice Things Fair) is happening online, where one can also find original lioncuts by Michał...
Michał Sokołowski en vente en ligne à la Foire des Belles Choses
Entre le 27 mars et le 2 avril a lieu la Foire des belles choses (Targi Rzeczy Ładnych), un événement en ligne où vous pouvez trouver des...
WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
#wereheretheproject #wiehie #contemporary #art #contemporaryart #queer #queerart #supercontemporary #videoinstallation #visualarts...
WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
First, there was a TV screen. A plain and simple TV screen - it must have been the ‘80s, TV was big in my ‘80s. Then it was a video...
Blisko V by Michał Sokołowski
Michał Sokołowski (Poland) Blisko V / Close 5 Linocut, water-based paints print on 220g Rosaspina paper 30 x 30 cm 2020 "This linocut is...
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